Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Officers go up on a rooftop of a local grocery...
Officers go up on a rooftop of a local grocery store to raise money and awareness for Special Olympics. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Money Saving Tips for the Year 2014
In this year 2013, our blog recommends you following methods to save lots of money day today. Due to shrinking economy and buying power, saving each penny will count. Wherever you are, in US, UK, Australia or in India, these methods would provide you a great insight to save lots of money in this New Year. I highly recommend you to visit my previous article,"12 Money Saving Tips for The Year 2012" which quoted with fantastic saving tips that can be followed in this year too.

However, these tips are bit different from previous and it is bit advanced and elaborate. You have ample options to expand each of this tips to make it in your own way to save money in this year 2013. Best of luck!

1. Take the Advantage of Coupon Clipping

Coupons are one of the best method to save lots of money while your shopping, whether it is online and offline. If you are an online buyer, you have lots of best coupon apps to get free coupons whenever required. Here is "6 Best Coupon Apps for Your iPhone" to take the advantage of.

How to get coupons?

If you would like to do offline shopping by visiting the store, you still have lots of options to get right coupons. Newspapers, Magazines such as Woman's Day, Red Book, Family Circle and Good Housekeeping, frequently carry several useful coupons.You can also look for in-store coupons to find coupons in the shelves.There are several free online coupons sites in the net, is a good source to collect coupons regularly. Junk mails and store mails also provides coupons regularly that would come as useful.

How to arrange coupons?

It is always advisable to have your own filing systems to arrange coupons properly. Which can be done on categories, date and places wise but should be have easy access whenever you required. Have collection, storage and usage of coupons to save lots of money in the year 2013.

2. Slash Your Grocery Bills

Use online to find sales and discounts while shopping. Look for any and every opportunity to stack discounts, and slash that grocery bill right down to size. This would save you lots of money. Prefer to buy generic items than branded. Generic items are less costlier than branded ones. Frequently using items should buy bulk and store properly. Generic should be considered here too.

In groceries, shopping should be done by preparing a "shopping menu" well in advance, would help you to save lots of money which goes unnecessarily if you are not using shopping menu in hand. Prepared meals and powders are money eaters. Instead of buying prepared meals and other prepared items, make it as your own by buying the ingredients.

Always know and buy seasonal items especially vegetables, fruits and fish items. Off season items are costly and seasonal items comes cheap to save money. Having your own vegetable gardens would be another source for save money.

Grow and maintain a home garden with at least 3 to 5 regularly using vegetable plants. Why can't you take it as a New Year resolution for the year 2013?

Local products, farmers, markets are the best options to get low cost but high quality products. Various directories such as "Community supported agricultural directory" and/or various focused online directories are best sources to refer and find local market and farmers.

Finally, whenever paying, always check and confirm your bills don't have any mistakes. If you have found any mistakes, get the same noticed by the responsible person to clear the errors. This can be applicable when doing shopping through online and/or offline.

3. Terrific Miscellaneous Money Saving Tips for 2013

- Always watch your bills such as Bank transactions, credit card bills, utility bills, service bills, purchasing bills, shopping bills etc.., and report if you have found any abnormalities in it. Mistakes may happen in bills and that would finally cost you losing money.

- A free money day practice is a good idea. Decide a day in a week to not spend any penny or very limited amount. This would be a very practical, succeeded method by lots of people.

- Learn and do basic maintenance works such as plumbing, electrical, carpentry etc.. instead of calling a repairer or service man whenever required to do so. Learn how to prepare food stuffs , powders, ingredients that uses regularly, learn first aid activities and have the required items in home that always visiting the hospital or clinic. Always prefer to use the items and materials that you have ready in your hand, before moving to buy. You still have options to owe or get the material in rent than purchasing it as your own.

- Whether it is food, medicine or any, generic items should be considered as your first choice to buy. This would save you lots of money,

- Learn how to use water, electricity, gas perfectly to avoid costly utility bills. You must keep an eye on these items always to identify and block misuse.

- Your vehicle should be kept in well maintained and with a checking list to do the necessary maintenance daily, weekly, monthly or whenever it is feasible and do the same accordingly without any delay and extend. Learn necessary vehicle maintenance and repair activities to save money by calling the service man.

- Practice 50/20/30 rule. Allocate 50 percent of your income for household expenditures such as utility bills, groceries, rent, travel expenses etc. 20 percent to savings and investments and rest 30 percent can be utilized as you wish. However, any savings from this 30 percent add more spice. Success of your money saving depends on how you save money from both 50 and 20 percent areas to add more money to investment funds.

- Bundling services would help you to save money. For example, if you have internet, cable and phone connections, you can bundle these services and get from one service provider. You can also costly extra service such as called ID, call waiting etc., to reduce monthly bills.

- Always pay your bills on time. This would help to avoid penalties and wastages of money unnecessarily. Always prefer pay bills online than visiting the service provider for the same or posting the same. You can set up auto paying facility to avoid penalties by paying it in right time, without delay.

- Prefer rental than buying CDs and Books. Buying CDs and Books should be considered as the last option if the same is not available to get in rental or in libraries. This would save lots of money at the end of each year. Form a club of people who have similar interests.

Finally, asses your monthly budget to make it efficient and save lots of money by avoiding unnecessary spending.

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2014.!

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