Wednesday, 30 October 2013

How to Build a Killer Green House

Green House (central military court building) ...
Green House (central military court building) in Jaffa, Israel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How to Build a Killer Green House
how-to-build-a-killer-green-houseDo you think having lots of plants around the house inside and outside and top would make any home as green compliant or environment friendly? Never. Lots of people mistakenly understood the meaning of green house is only having lots of plants around their home. Green houses would comes as environmental friendly when it met with some of the must, non avoidable factors or facilities met. It can be various and here are the some facilities a good green house should have. It is also important that the house should have built with materials available from nature and simple to eliminate in a way that never harm nature.

Once you have a plan to build an environment friendly house, known as "green house",here are five major facilities, of course environment friendly, should consider and ensure you have each of them in your new home. Anyone already have a house and claims it is green compliant, also check and confirm whether their houses equipped with these five important features or not.

1. Water Storage and Using Efficiencies - Water is life and it is so precious. Ensure your are utilizing this nature given freely available wealth to its maximum. Have sufficient water storage to store rain water and facilities to use the water utilize it maximum. For an example, each drop of the water should be stored, purified and re-processed for various purposes it can fulfill and finally it should go to the earth from where it originates. Ensure water contamination not happens from your home at any way and also ensure it is not flowing freely to drainage as unused.

2. Clean Air Considerations - Green houses should have a buffer to purify the air efficiently both inside and outside the home. Plants and the best answer to this required facility so consider having lots of plants inside and outside the house in the form of helpful decorative plants, beauty plants and gardens, both flower and vegetables. Green houses should have a feature of good air circulation inside the house which means, once the air went inside, it should be able to move each and every area of the home.

3. Production and Usage of Power - Green houses should be built to use the sunlight maximum and efficiently. It should come to each room in a perfect, non-disturbing manner to avoid darkness and use of bulbs in day time. It is also good for good health and freshness always. When move to electricity, ensure it is done intelligently to use the power in each area, outside and inside the home. Accessories should be certified and help to protect excess use of electricity and needs to be verified time to time. Well designed, highly meaningful connections efficient, green compliant certified materials would be the best option for this. Generating power through installing solar panels and wind fans is fantastic to deal with power intelligently and always have sufficient electricity in home.

4. Waste Management System - Green houses should equipped with right waste management system. Environment friendly wastes should be processed to reuse in many other forms like fertilizers, products from wastes, creating bio-gas etc.. and others should be disposed efficiently using right methods that never harms the nature.

5. Deal with Gas Intelligently - Using bio-fuel to the vehicles is a best option to be compliant to the nature. Any facilities that utilize gas needs to be verified time to time and ensure there is no wastage happening and usage is efficient. Creation of bio-gas plants are extremely a good option to reduce cooking gas expenditure and requirements. Using coals the wood than gas at the time of winter season is a good alternative but applicable to those it is available.

Any green house, claims environmental friendly, should have build in a way to efficiently and intelligently manage and use the above five must factors. Any or more of the missing factors in the above group says the house is incomplete to environment friendly. When you have plan to build or make your home a green house, think about the usage of Water, Air, Power, Waste, Gas, and ensure right actions taken to confirm these factors are used in a best way.

Sherin Dev, a financial writer, investor and the founder and financial blogs. Follow him on Twitter or in Facebook. Any queries on articles, guest posts, contact at

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