Wednesday, 30 October 2013

5 Financial Life Categories

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)

5 Financial Life Categories

Do you know the most influential financial life categories to set your personal financial planning goals? In other word, the foundation stones of your personal financial planning life? In my experience, when planning to start personal financial plan, people found most worried about identification of goals. Such worries generally happening due to the ignorance of major factors that influencing most, to set financial goals. This article is the result of my effort to identify these categories to give you better awareness on where you required to put your time and work to identify and move with well set of financial goals.

Best Indian Company To Invest - Procter & Gamble India

Today, with the Best Indian Companies to Invest In (BICII) series, I am introducing another Indian monopoly major, Procter and Gamble, a fully owned Indian subsidiary of the Procter and Gamble Company,US, known in India as P&G Hygiene and Health care Ltd. P&G have decade of experience in Indian market with number of popular brands. The specialty of P&G is, the company is not over diversified in the product side but, have focused with products that got huge attention in Indian market all the time.

Speed Linking - TMM Gold Series 4

Posted on February 09, 2009, a classic post on Term Insurance Plan titled 'Benefit of buying a term insurance policy' got little attention from TMM visitors due to TMM's 'new' status in the personal finance and investing blog world. In this article, I took special care to not miss any features and advantages of the Term Insurance Plan. Today, Personal Financial Planners recommending Term Insurance as the first step to start their clients financial planning by knowing its power to provide safety and security to the family members in the absence of their bread winners. Today, I am introducing this article through speed linking to archive to provide all required information you need to know on this wonderful product. Here is the link to this article for you.

Core Points of Personal Financial Planning

Building a personal financial plan required lots of effort. Most of the time, people even don't know where to start and what will be the important points to keep in mind when planning their finance. In this context, knowing the core have importance to not miss any major points when one moving with her financial planning. Here is the core for personal financial planning for your knowledge and update.

Make Money Teaching Online

Today's money tip featuring an interesting idea to make money through teaching online. Of course, lots of people doing this business but, the possibility to start this business as your own is not limited. The major advantage of this endeavor is, it required little investments than any other business. Anyone can effectively start online teaching as a home business to earn extra money as a side income. This business is highly suitable for housewives who really interested to work hard at their free time and have good skills on the subject they want to teach others online.

BICII - Best Indian Company To Invest - Nestle India

best Indian companies to invest in
With this series of BICII - Best Indian Companies to Invest In, TMM introducing another classic business, Nestle India, to our readers. Nestle is the Indian arm of Swiss multinational Nestlé S.A., operating in Indian market since 1961. The relationship with India originally set up from 1912, before the independence of India.

Intereview With

I am glad to say “Get Rich Slowly” is one of the most established, elegant personal finance blog I have ever visited. Your blog is a must visit for all personal finance bloggers and readers. I am very happy to introduce you and this fantastic blog to all TMM readers as one of the most successful blog available in the personal finance space today. As the very first to beginning this interview, I express my sincere thanks for the time you have spent for me.

Speed Linking - TMM Gold Series 3

With this speed linking to archive, TMM providing a rapid link connection to one of our classic article which giving a chance to our readers to know the best options to create an Emergency Fund to meet any unexpected situations that can always expect to our life.

Debit vs Credit Cards

Here is a guest post by peter from the comparing debit card with credit cards. is a right source providing all the necessary information a person required to know about credit and debit cards.

Debit or credit cards, both constitute alternatives to carrying large amounts of cash upon you, plus taking benefits from the certain good offers. Certainly each type of card is designed for the same purpose: being able to pay using a card. But the background, the terms and conditions and other aspects differ at these two types of cards.

Investing Life Cycle To Wealth

Article written by Sherin Dev; Follow me in Twitter or Facebook . To get latest news and articles Subscribe for free!

wealth life cycleIn this article, I intend to go through various stages of wealth creation through investing. For any investor, the time he fixing a goal in mind, his investing life cycle starts. Rest of his activities going through each stages of his cycle and end the journey at the time he is achieving the goal by selling the stocks. With knowledge or without knowledge, no investor would be able to avoid any stage of this process. A through awareness on each stages of this life cycle, help investors to have a quick self checkup and rectify any possible errors possible with any of these stages.

Generally, process of creating wealth through investing on stocks moving through various stages:

Investing Goals >>> Acquiring Knowledge >>> Identification and Analysis of business >>> Time of investment >>> Holding Period > >> Identification of selling time

Each of the above mentioned stages providing a chance to write article separately on each cycles. To get a fast and clear awareness, you can read below, the simple explanation on each cycles.

Investing Goals

This is known as the the preliminary stage of this cycle. It clearly tell us the important requirement of setting goals to achieve through investing. Any value investor, not turn as a right investor if he or she is investing to businesses without any goal. A goal setting is the core of your investing life cycle. Investors generally set goals for short, medium and long terms but, for a value investor, who believe the rule of long term wealth, generally set long term goals by considering the nature of stock investing profit possibilities. Any one who have short or medium term goals, I cannot advise investing to stocks by going these rigorous steps instead, should identify parallel methods.

Acquiring Investing Knowledge

No investor is perfect if he doesn't have enough knowledge on investing. For a value investor, one should first have required skills to analyze the qualitative and quantitative parts of any business to identify the suitability to invest. Through having quantitative analysis skills, one can easily identify the earning potential of a business for a period. Through having qualitative analysis skills, one can identify best businesses to proceed with measuring this earning potential and to invest.

Identification and Analysis of business to invest

This is the most critical stage in our investing life cycle. This cycle can decide whether an investor able to meet the goals or not. In this cycle, an investor required to identify the right business to invest to meet his goals. Any possible happening mistakes in this stage can be costly to any investor by not providing any intended result or lose of money. Nature of such importance made this cycle as the most important one among others. To avoid possible mistakes happening to this stage, an investor should earn excellent skills with previous, 'Acquiring Investing Knowledge' stage and well apply these skills to identify the suitability to invest on a business.

Time of Investment

Deciding the right time of investing to stock have ultimate importance. By remembering the rule "What you paying to buy, always decide your rate of return", an investor should aware whether he required to buy a stock in a particular time or need to wait some more time. To overcome the problem of deciding or understanding right time to buy, keep an eye on macro factors that have influence to decide the movement of any stock market up and down. As I have mentioned with number of my previous articles, an investor should have good awareness on the factors influencing the stock market trends. Some of the examples for this are, economic recessions, industry recessions, temporary bad news on a company, major events in the nation like general elections etc..

Holding Period

If you take the word from Warren Buffett, his holding period is forever!! Most of the investors who heard this word today, may laugh because of the foolishness of holding a stock for long, long time. If you are the one among them and laughing, then you are just forgetting the third stage of this life cycle "Identification and Analysis of business to invest". If the businesses selected by Warren Buffet are capable to give enormous wealth through out the holding period, whether it is short or long, why should Warren sell such stocks? To have high success with this cycle, an investor required to select the businesses that able to give wealth throughout your holding period. The time you identifying such company, you can just move to further stage of this life cycle because, there will not be any question of selling such stocks.

Identification of selling time

Identification of selling time is the most crucial part of investing life cycle. This is a stage can really test the patience and personal qualities of an investor from the very next moment of investing to a stock. As a value investor, one should possess with necessary information on selling time and possibilities. Reading great investing guides from Benjamin Graham and Philip Fisher will help you to identify the exact time to sell a stock.

If you like this post, comment and inform me your opinion. If you have a queries on any of these points, never hesitate to inform me.

Woman's Money Saving Tips - 4 Best Money Saving Hobbies

Today's 'Woman's Money Saving Tips' featuring an interesting money saving idea, the money saving hobbies or how to save money by having some hobbies, will be discussed. This is an example to know even our simple hobbies can be easily converted to save or earn huge money. Having hobbies with enough passion, is always a great idea to get relaxations and intelligently save or earn money. Read some of the possible ways to save money through your simple hobbies.Woman's Money Saving Tips for Routine Travelers too.

Maximize Wealth Through Intelligent Fund Switching Practice

Those who aware about Unit Linked Insurance Products might have heard about fund switching. Fund switching is a facility providing by insurers to its subscribers to switch any previously selected fund or funds between different funds associated to a ULIP product, depends on the requirement. Unlike any traditional insurance policies, ULIPs performances directly related to stock market by investing subscribers money to stocks through various associated funds. With this feature, ULIP products offering a great opportunity to its subscribers to intelligently manage their investments between various funds to maximize wealth considering various factors. In this article, I have intended to reveal a secret of intelligent fund switching to tap maximum profit from Unit Linked Plans.

BICII - Best Indian Companies To Invest In - Glaxo Consumer Care

This week, with BIICI (Best Indian Companies to Invest In) library, I have a fantastic candidate for Indian value investors, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health care, which generally known as GSK Consumer Care. GSK is a world class brand name operating in India since 1919, with nutritional drink and OTC segments. Virtually no other companies in India to consider as their competitors and GSK is a best example for a company with clear monopolistic business, with multiple products, that any value investor love to have.

Speed Linking To Archive- TMM Gold Series 2

Today, TMM linking our readers to a classic article in our archive titled as "Points To Remember When Managing Financial Resources", originally written on 2nd of February 2008 with four major points to remember when managing financial resources as the part of personal financial planning. Have a look into this article to get most required knowledge that have important role into ones personal financial planning.TMM Gold Series is a new initiative to introduce excellent articles that have posted to TMM blog at its early years

Type Of Businesses To Be Avoided By Value Investors

I have received number of queries from readers asking the type of businesses an investor should avoid to investing in. Here is your master checklist to understand the nature of sick businesses to avoid invest in. Following are the most common and important characteristics of sick and failed business types. One of the interesting fact of such business is, such sick companies always turning to be the favorite candidates for short term investors and traders by its nature huge price volatility, that a trader really required for gambling, compare with strong companies with excellent business models.

BICII - Best Indian Companies To Invest In - Britannia Industries

Today we are analyzing the qualitative part of Britannia Industries, the Indian biscuit major. I have selected Britannia Industries as the first to this series by considering their monopolistic business position in India and operating efficiency to keep their head up all the time. Whether the economy going through inflation or deflation stages, business of Britannia will be intact and also growing consistently by the support of above qualities. If you go through any business news paper, you can understand the innovations Britannia Industries taking to manage their leadership position in the market intact. Of course, there are other companies operating to the same segment but, Britannia made it difficult to beat them in India.

BICII - Best Indian Companies To Invest In - TMM Post Schedule Calendar

Value investing practices required two types of analysis skills, Qualitative and Quantitative, to identify the best businesses to invest for long term wealth creation. Any individual, who plan to invest using value investing principles and practices, must know the qualitative part as the first and prior to move with quantitative side. Through this new initiative, TMM kick-off a Monday series named TMM-BICII (Best Indian Companies to Invest In), introducing the 10 carefully selected prominent Indian companies for our readers to know and analysis under value investing approach.

Interview With Moolanomy

If you are interested to Personal Finance, you might have heard about 'Moolanomy', one of the best blog to Personal Finance space. When I visited 'Moolanloy' first time, I really impressed to the quality of its contents and knowledge of Pinyo, the 'Moolanomy' blogger. Such impression lead me to schedule this interview with Pinyo to introduce him and the Moolanomy blog to TMM readers for getting a chance to read best personal finance contents.

Speed Linking From Archive - TMM Gold Series 1

Here are two beautiful articles from TMM blog archive, each from personal finance and investing. When these articles originally posted to TMM blog, it doesn't got much attention from visitors/readers due to the 'new' status of our blog. Through this initiative, I am re-introducing the best articles by speed linking to our achieves. I am sure, these are the best articles in its kind by remembering a law, gold never find easily. Have a look.
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